Tuesday, July 20, 2010


July 19, 2010
After a very rough night of trying to catch some ZZZZZZZ's and some beauty rest, Hill, Sarah and I woke up to another beautiful morning at Hartzview. I did not fall asleep until about 6:00 in the morning and we had our wake up call at 6:30. For 8 hours, I would read, play scrabble, go to the bathroom......I repeated this for hours. I am thinking that the tea I drank at dinner kept me up and also I still had my days and nights mixed up. Hill could not relax, he tossed and turned waking Sarah, so needless to say the 3 of us were pretty tired. Richard slept like a baby, so what else is new????
The lack of sleep did not keep the hunters from having excellent shots though.... Hill shot a zebra, wildebeast and a kudu, while Richard shot a waterbuck(250 yards, single shot), blesbuck, and a wildebeast. While we were on the evening hunt, we experienced one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen. The sunset cast pink,yellow, and red shadows over the fields that we were hunting. We did not come back to camp until after dark.
We continue to stay on basically the same schedule..... this place is spectacular. The meals are wonderfully prepared for us.... all homemade.....american with some dutch and south african flair. For anyone that loves the outdoors, I would highly reccommend Hartzview.... it is truly is a trip of a lifetime. L.B. was not paid for this public announcement....just fact!
Keep reading..... until tomorrow, xoxoxox, L.B.


  1. Dear L.B.,

    what a great entertaining blog!!
    I am sitting in the office with Emily- she misses you!!

    we know you are having the trip of a lifetime!!

    be safe!
    God is with you!
    Psalm 46:10

    Debbi Chesney

  2. Wow...fun stuff. Can't wait to see the pics and reflect....any word on MY Zebra?

    Luv y'all

